Friday, May 10, 2013

this is the worst!!

The worst kind of feeling is that you know you want to go but you can't. Like damn helpless.... I see so many people there when i was watching some short videos... 

This is not like regular concert where you can pay and go in, it's exclusive. WORST unless i'm invited. Like it's okay if i can get the tickets to like a show but I didn't because i have no money... AT LEAST i was given a chance... Like I know I could've gone if i wanted to spend the money but this kind cannot even go in unless you're someone. 

It's like adam lambert's concert damn long ago before he had another open one. He had one exclusive where you can only get his tickets if you buy his album. Like there is a few albums that has his tickets. I bought 1 but also don't have.. LAME but at least I tried and I gave up but at least i have like an album not nothing. Act yi ge exclusive.... 

But aiyah, fashion shows all like that de. ONE DAY... ONE DAY... HAHAHA WAIT LONG 

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Did a shoot recently for Gumtoo, temporary tattoo.

Check out some behind-the-scenes footage here,

I can only be excited

that cara and dakota is here in SG for chanel, and also karl and so many people. Like I want to meet them but what can i do?
Too bad I'm not cool or famous to attend parties like these. CHEH-NEL!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

characters built by others

Life is just a game of using each other to benefit yourself.